This is our drafted magazine cover on Publisher. We changed our colour scheme as when we tried the orange, green and blue it looked too girly and did not fit our target audience. We tried out many colours and finally decided on blue, yellow and white. the colour scheme now fits with the target audience and is also eye catching to attract the readers. The font for the title was called Baskerville old face, we liked this font as it looked like a typical clear font for a magazine cover. The other fonts we used was, century gothic, Bodoni MT, and Arial Black as these were all clear fonts to read quickly if you was walking past the shelves. All our titles are short pieces of text in order to get to the point of what the article is about inside e.g. Top 10 film reviews inside. We also we chose top have two related articles on our film as Grace will be our image for the cover. this shows that she is more superior than any other article in the magazine and that the main focus is La femme. We also have a win opportunity of a film poster from another film in our class, this is typical of magazine conventions as there is always a free poster to make the readers buy the magazine. We chose a black background as it makes the fonts brighter and also the image clearer once it is inputted. We put a barcode, price and date also on the magazine cover in order to follow the conventions and make the magazine realistic.
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