Monday 22 March 2010

Audience Feedback

From our audience feedback, all our comments liked the heavy breathing and screaming as they felt it was effective and showed the genre of our film. People had different opinions on the fast transactions, we agreed with Jonty's comment as the quick pace builds tension. The comments recieved were constructive and positive and were from the audience we were targetting. We were unsure of the word 'wrong' and what the audience would think of the effect of it, however the audience seemed to like it. From this feedback I feel we could have made the transitions slightly slower to suit both nimran and jontys taste. This would still have added suspense but also made it not look as rushed targetting all of our audience.

Friday 12 March 2010

Evaluation of Coursework

Overall I felt our group worked very hard over the several weeks in order to create a realistic teaser trailer, poster and magazine cover. We researched lot of these types of media in order to fit the conventions and make them look effective and realistic. I felt reseach helped us lot in deciding how to layout our three types of media as we looked at upcoming trailers, posters and magazines. Without this research we wouldnt have made our medias look realistic as we wouldnt have followed the correct conventions. We had many problems with creating these medias, including failures to upload, disagreements on the colours of our magazines and Pinnacle not doing what we had in mind for our teaser trailer. The magazine was time consuming as we kept changing it, one lesson we would like the layout and colour scheme, then we would look back and want to change it. I am sure if we had longer to do our coursework our final magazine cover would still not stay the same. However I am happy with the layout of our magazine cover and felt it looks a lot better now after we made it less busy and easy to read. One thing I would change is the colour scheme, as it was not my idea to have red, green and white. I would have tried different colours until I felt happy. However we agreed on the colour scheme as the colours fitted our colours for our poster and fonts for or teaser trailer. I felt this did work well as i did not want these colours as it lead to continuity throughout our three pieces of media.

Overall i felt our posters looked good, although our film poster wasn't our original idea, due to lack of lighting we were not able to do what we wanted. This was lead to lack of planning, if we had booked the studio previously we would have been able to have time to fix lighting and continue with our original idea. I have learnt to be more organised when planning our posters as the image needs a lot of time to portray to how we want it to look. However I feel the house does portray a narrative to where the film will be situated. If i could change the poster I would have swapped the images from our teaser poster to our film poster as feel the image of Grace was more narrative for our film poster. We have now swapped the poster images over as we felt th poster portrays more narrative with Grace as the image rather than the house. Also i would have used a camera from home as i feel the images are not as clear as I would have liked them. Now i know we could have been more prepared and tested out different cameras in order to get the best qualtiy image as we could. I am happy with our posters and feel they fit the conventions of real film posters.

I am happy with our teaser trailer as I feel it fits all the conventions. It doesn't give too much narrative away and viewers can still have ideas about what is going to happen. If I could change our trailer I would make sure I used a lot more camera angles etc to make the film look more professional. However as this was made to look like a home video we didn't use many camera angles on purpose. Also i feel the fonts could have been made to look more proffessional, we thought we were happy with the ones supplied on Word, however when we saw other groups fonts they had found on the Internet, they looked more proffessional. This i felt we should have definately done.

Overall i feel our three media types look good and fit the conventions of real film posters, teaser trailer and magazine covers. I would like to do this again as I feel I could put a lot more skills into my work as I have more experience now. I have learnt how to use Pinnacle a lot better now, as I can use transitions and other devices on the programme. I also have learnt the conventions of all of the medias and I feel I could do a lot more now to recreate these types of medias.

Thursday 11 March 2010


This is our anamatics for our teaser trailer. We filmed our storyboards and added transitions to show what we had planned to do for our trailer. We hd trouble uploading these and felt it was very time consuming, however now they are working I feel these storyboards are effective and show what we plan to do for our teaser trailer.

Film Poster Final

We Photoshopped the house to make it lighter, as we printed out our one previously and it was too dark. We thought if this was displayed, passers by and our audience would have trouble seeing the image. now it is much lighter and our final poster has now been developed.

Wednesday 10 March 2010

New Magazine Cover - Final

We wanted to change our magazine cover as we felt it was too busy. We took out two headlines to make it less cramped and were not as important. As Grace is our main focus and 'La Femme' is the concentrated film we had two stroylines about the film and the actress on the cover. The 'La Femme Premier Lowdon' is now at the bottom and a lot bigger to grab readers attention. We also added an exclamation mark at the end to make it look more interesting and make readers want to read the article more. We saw this on a film magazine and thought this worked well to make the cover more eye catching. Also we changed some of the text into capital letters, on the 'DVD's you must own', we changed the 'you' into capitals to make it more personal to the reader and grabs their attention more making them want to read the magazine. We also made 'plays' in the snakeman heading not in capitals as we wanted 'Brad Willis' and 'Snakeman' to stand out more as these are the more important words. Also we put 'Grace Tree as' in italics as this is emphasising her real name and then her name clearly as the character. I feel this works well as it is different text use. Also 'Lowdown' and 'Revealed' I put in bold, this is to emphasise more the important words indicating that it is all inside. The 'win' in the circle we also changed to another font as I felt that the other font looked a bit cheap and basic. I feel this works a lot better. We also changed the 'La Femme' into red as it is a signature colour for the film, we then changed the 'Lowdown' to white as it was then too red. I feel this doesn't look as good however we need to keep the continuity of our signiture colour of our film title.

Beyond, the magazine name we made a lot bigger as we want passers by to notice our title and want to read our magazine, this makes it stand out more and makes it instantly recognisable.

Overall our magazine has had a lot of changes as there is a lot of information on this rather than our posters. We wanted to fit the conventions as much as possible to make it more realistic and looking like a real magazine cover. I feel now our magazine doesn't look as busy and now it is easier to read for passers by as there is not as much text. I am happy with our magazine and feel it could be easily read on a shelf now.

Change in Film Poster

Our origninal poster was going to be the three students moving into the house, in a dark room with the girl (Emma Lou) standing behind them. We wanted to do this in our dance/drama studio at school, however we tried this set up but the lighting wasnt appropriate for the photo and wasn't clear enough for our poster. We decided to change the poster as we wanted our audience to understand and see our poster clearly.

EP Logo

This is our logo for our production company, 'Easton Productions', we wanted a logo as it can be recognised by the audience and used on other films we make, to make it seem more realistic. We chose the colours red and black as 'La Femme' is mainly in these colours. I feel this logo looks proffessional and suitable to put on the begginning of our teaser trailer to show our production company.